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Die Casting Aluminum Heatsinks

The die casting aluminum heatsinks process:

This is a manufacturing process for producing accurately dimension-ed, smooth or textured-surface metal parts. It is accomplished by forcing molten metal under high pressure into reusable metal dies. This process is one of the shortest in distance between processing raw material into a finished product.

Flash & Burr removal:

After the die casting process, the parts are deburred; this can be done by hand or in a tumbler deburring machine. If any further polishing is required to ensure a smooth surface, we will polish the parts mechanically by hand or in a tumbler polishing machine.

Secondary surface finishing:

  • ED or powder coating
  • Chrome/Nickel plating
  • Polishing
  • Chromating
  • Sand blasting (glass-, stainless steel beads or aluminum grit)

Please contact us if you need more advice about our product.